
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators

  • American Climate Perspectives Survey 2024, Vol. II
    American Climate Perspectives Survey 2024, Vol. II

    ecoAmerica’s latest survey reveals that Americans are ready and eager for health professionals to advance climate action. The survey findings offer a clear call for the health sector and health professionals to lead in educating and guiding all Americans to understand and care for health in a changing climate.

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  • American Climate Perspectives Survey 2019, Vol. III

    American Climate Perspectives Survey 2019, Vol. III

    Health Is A Major Motivator for American Climate Action Last fall, several national and international academies issued reports on the impacts of climate change, including on human health. From the IPCC to NCA, WHO and Lancet reports, the impacts on health were found to be more severe and pervasive than previously thought. But are Americans…

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  • A New Era for Climate Action

    A New Era for Climate Action

    As science becomes reality and the future bursts upon us, the debate on climate change is heating up. Newly empowered Democrats didn’t waste a week in the 116th Congress before launching climate hearings and introducing legislation. One proposal, an economic stimulus program called the Green New Deal is designed to eliminate carbon pollution by 2030…

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  • ecoAmerica Announces Meighen Speiser as Executive Director

    ecoAmerica Announces Meighen Speiser as Executive Director

    ecoAmerica Announces Meighen Speiser as Executive Director Washington, DC – ecoAmerica, a nonprofit organization that builds institutional leadership, public support, and political will for climate solutions in the United States, today announced that Meighen Speiser will assume the role of Executive Director effective immediately. “ecoAmerica’s Board of Directors is pleased that Meighen Speiser has agreed…

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  • ACLS19 Climate Leader Q&A: Ellen R. Stofan, PhD

    ACLS19 Climate Leader Q&A: Ellen R. Stofan, PhD

    The American Climate Leadership Summit 2019 (ACLS19) on May 1-2 will feature conversations with prominent climate experts and advocates. This year’s theme is “Breakthrough,” and we’re looking for just that — breakthrough strategies and ideas to help transform the climate action into a true national priority. ecoAmerica offered some of this year’s guest speakers the…

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  • Turning Climate Panic Into Progress: Your Talking Points

    Turning Climate Panic Into Progress: Your Talking Points

    If Americans are hearing anything about climate change, it is likely the bad news. Our planet and its oceans are warming faster than predicted, causing billion-dollar weather disasters, a myriad of health impacts, climate refugees and more, with little time to turn it around. Headlines from recent climate reports confirm that we have only a…

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  • American Climate Perspectives Survey 2019, Vol. II

    American Climate Perspectives Survey 2019, Vol. II

    Climate Attitudes Differ in Rural, Suburban, and Urban Living Climate change impacts all Americans, but presents itself differently in every corner of the U.S., ranging from hurricanes to droughts, superstorms and Nor’easters. To inspire more Americans to engage on the issue, we need to meet them where they live – and relate the issue to…

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  • Announcing the American Climate Leadership Summit 2019 — Register Today!

    Announcing the American Climate Leadership Summit 2019 — Register Today!

    This coming May, ecoAmerica is hosting the largest and most diverse climate leadership gathering yet, the 8th Annual American Climate Leadership Summit (ACLS19). This year’s theme is Breakthrough, and the Summit is designed to empower climate leaders with the tools and know how to upend the climate status quo and transform climate action into a…

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  • American Climate Perspectives Survey 2019, Vol. I

    American Climate Perspectives Survey 2019, Vol. I

    New Hope for Action: Key Republican Climate Attitudes Shift As we begin the new year, many are wondering whether 2019 will mark a turning point for climate action. While the issue has been plagued by partisan divide, ecoAmerica’s new research has found hopeful year over year shifts in attitudes, particularly among Republicans who are becoming…

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  • ecoAmerica Accredited to the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) of UN Environment Programme

    ecoAmerica Accredited to the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) of UN Environment Programme

    Climate change is global, and ecoAmerica is joining a UN dialogue and network for organizations tackling climate protection and other major environmental challenges. ecoAmerica was recently accredited to the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) of UN Environment. Accreditation provides non-governmental organizations with observer status to the Assembly and its subsidiary bodies of the UNEA of UN…

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  • New Hope for Action: Key Republican Climate Attitudes Shift

    New Hope for Action: Key Republican Climate Attitudes Shift

    As we transition into 2019 and welcome a new Congress, there is renewed hope for climate action. While partisan gridlock remains the greatest impediment to bold climate solutions, there is a shift in partisan attitudes in favor of progress in 2019 and beyond. Republicans are increasingly aware that the climate is changing. They see these…

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  • Climate Priorities for the New U.S. Congress

    Climate Priorities for the New U.S. Congress

    Last month’s election results sent a clear message: Americans consider climate change a top priority, and they want elected office holders to act. As the 116th Congress prepares to be sworn into office next month, many Americans are rightly questioning whether they will push forward climate policy with the needed speed and efficacy. So as…

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