
ecoAmerica’s resources, guides, and over 150 special topic videos make climate action understandable.

a happy family cooking

Climate Action Guide

Climate, Health, and Food

Eating lots of plant-based, nutrient-rich foods supports personal health and is the best way to prevent chronic…

multicultural multiage group gardening

Climate Action Guide

Restoring Nature = Restoring Ourselves

If we restore thriving nature, we all live healthier, more fulfilling lives while addressing climate change.

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Group with Climate Justice signs


Introduction to Climate Justice

Climate justice acknowledges that climate change harms Black, indigenous, people of color, low-income and rural communities, women, children, people with disabilities, and marginalized communities first and worst.

a group having a discussion

Climate Action Guide

5 Steps To Effective Climate Communication

Americans are increasingly concerned about climate change. 75% of us are concerned and 48% are very concerned. With the impacts all around us, it is easier than ever to strike up a conversation. This action guide (handout) contains 5 steps to crafting emotionally resonant, personalized, and effective messages on climate change.

Climate Action Guide

Climate, Health, and Food

Eating lots of plant-based, nutrient-rich foods supports personal health and is the best way to prevent chronic illness and disease. Not only is this good for you and your family, community, and colleagues, it’s also good for our climate.

multicultural multiage group gardening

Climate Action Guide

Restoring Nature = Restoring Ourselves

If we restore thriving nature, we all live healthier, more fulfilling lives while addressing climate change. From backyards to parks and forests, from local rivers to oceans — when we conserve nature, it provides what we need for thriving lives, families, and communities.

family looking at their garden

Climate Action Guide

Climate Solutions for Your Home and Neighborhood

Climate change is a big problem that affects everyone, so how can you and your family make a difference? It turns out there are lots of ways you can make a big difference — starting right now. Try these great ideas!

diverse group conversing

Climate Action Guide

Climate Solutions for Your Workplace

Our climate is changing, but if we all move to more climate-friendly choices we can help restore healthier people, prosperous communities, and a thriving planet. This isn’t just a job for government — businesses, faith communities, farms, and public service groups also need to do their part and lead the way.

children carrying recycling bin

Climate Action Guide

Climate Solutions for Your Community

We have all been hearing about climate change and know we need to do something, but what? Communities around America are stepping up to support positive changes that benefit us all.

people gathered in a room

Climate Action Guide

Climate Solutions Advocacy with Policy Makers

Moving policy makers to tackle climate change can be a rewarding task. Your voice and your personal story can make a difference. When officials hear from their constituents, they are moved to focus on certain issues. You can make climate change one of those!

blessed tomorrow moving forward guide image


Blessed Tomorrow Moving Forward Guide

Blessed Tomorrow Moving Forward: A Guide to Climate Action For Your Congregation and Community provides you with information and resources to reduce energy use, to build resilient houses of worship as refuges from a changing climate, and to encourage support for policies that better care for creation. También disponible en español.


Path to Positive Communities Moving Forward Guide

Moving Forward: A Guide to Building Momentum on Climate Solutions in Your Community, a Path to Positive Communities guide, is geared toward civic leaders in communities who want to lead on climate and sustainability and seek the resources to act, including guidance on how to best engage residents by using clear, positive, inclusive and relevant messages.


Climate for Health Moving Forward Guide

Moving Forward: A Guide for Health Professionals to Build Momentum on Climate Action, a Climate for Health guide, provides you with guidance and tools to reduce energy use, to build resilient clinics and health departments, and advocate for climate solutions that prioritize health and equity.