Featuring Seema Wadhwa, Executive Director of Environmental Stewardship, Kaiser Permanente.
As the impacts of climate change on human health grow and grow, health care systems are taking action. Join us to find out how Kaiser Permanente has become a national climate leader...
Featuring Janice Hawkins, PhD, RN, CNS-BC, Clinical Associate Professor, Old Dominion University School of Nursing and Sarah Brown Blake, PhD, RN, PHN, Assistant Professor, Chico State School of Nursing in conversation with Bruce Bekkar, MD, Fellow, Climate for Health, ecoAmerica...
Featuring a conversation with Nana Firman, Senior Ambassador, GreenFaith, and Dahlia Rockowitz, Washington Director, Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action.
For the first time since 1991, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Sikhs, Baha’is, Hindus, Buddhists and
Featuring Katherine Catalano, MS, Deputy Director, Center for Climate, Health and Equity, American Public Health Association; Karly Hampshire, Founder and Co-Director, Planetary Health Report Card Initiative; P. Qasimah Boston, DrPH, MPH, Co-Founder, Tallahassee Food Network...
Features a conversation with Rev. Dr. Leah Schade, Author of Creation Crisis-Preaching: Ecology, Theology and the Pulpit, and Rabbi Yonatan Neril, Founder and Executive Director of the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development.
What would happen if every member of clergy...
Features a conversation with Vance Blackfox, Desk Director for American Indian Alaska Native Tribal Nations, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; Tracey DePasquale, Director, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania; Ruth M Ivory-Moore, Program Director, Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility...
Hannah Wilkerson, Program Associate, Children’s Environmental Health Network Children’s Environmental Health Day is the second Thursday of October, and is a great opportunity to amplify climate advocacy.
Featuring a conversation with Linda Mendonca, ANHE Environmental Health Nurse Fellow 2019-2020 and President of National Association of School Nurses, Andrea Lapuz, ANHE Student Nurse Committee, and active member of National Student Nurses' Association, and Guest Host: Katie Huffling, Executive Director of...
Featuring a conversation with Rev. Carol Devine, Minister for Green Chalice, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Rev. Scott Hardin-Nieri, Associate Minister for Green Chalice, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), David Bell, Minister for Indigenous Justice at the Center for Indigenous Ministries...
Featuring a conversation with Aniya Butler, Hip Hop & Climate Justice Coordinator, Youth Vs Apocalypse, Hannah Estrada, Education & Organizing, Youth Vs Apocalypse, and Dr. Missy Stults, Sustainability and Innovations Manager, City of Ann Arbor.
Join us to hear from a few of the...
Featuring a conversation with Rev. Michael Malcom, MDiv MBA, Founder/Executive Director. The People's Justice Council, Elizabeth Chun Hye Lee, Executive for Economic and Environmental Justice and Climate Justice Lead, United Methodist Women, and Chandra Farley, Just Energy Director...
Learn about the latest tools and resources for climate action! From webinars, to training, guides, action sheets and actions, we will share a breadth of resources for you to use to inspire your family, friends, neighbors, colleagues or fellow congregants.