#EveryoneEveryDay Photo Contest Winner Announced

Thank you to everyone who submitted their excellent photos to ecoAmerica’s first-ever #EveryoneEveryDay photo contest! From action on Capitol Hill to scenic landscapes, the submissions capture why we take climate action, every day. 

We are pleased to announce the winning photo, submitted by Shruti Agrawal and captured by Shilpoo Agrawal.

Shruti Agrawal stands with a sign that says "For the sake of all beings, no more fossil fuels" in front of reporters at a rally.

Title: Greenfaith Climate Rally Speaker

About this photo: On October 18, 2021, I spoke at a climate rally held by Greenfaith for people of diverse groups to decrease funding for fossil fuels. As one of the few youth advocates at the event, I wanted to bring some of everyone’s childhood memories by reminding them of their days watching Disney movies. So, I talked about a recent movie that came out, Frozen II. Although it was a cute Disney movie, it was actually about climate change. Every scene and theme pointed to the overall theme that the problem has been created by the past generations but must be helped by the current generations. They portrayed 5 main elements which were fire, water, wind, earth, and the bridge between magic and humanity. That bridge is what led me to my faith because I considered it to be the rebirth and reincarnation aspect of Hinduism. Some key aspects of Hindu teachings revolve around the idea of protecting Mother Earth during our lifetime because, in our next life, we will have to inhabit the Earth that we left behind.“ – Shruti Agrawal

As “Greenfaith Climate Rally Speaker” is named the winner of the #EveryoneEveryDay photo contest, Shruti and Shilpoo will receive an ecoAmerica original notebook. We received excellent photos that were close, runner-ups. Please celebrate the honorable mentions with us below.

Honorable Mentions

About ecoAmerica

ecoAmerica builds institutional leadership, public support, and political resolve for climate solutions in the United States. We help national mainstream organizations elevate their climate leadership, providing them strategy, tools and resources to: demonstrate visible climate leadership, empower climate literacy, engage all constituents, and build collective action and advocacy. We help our partners transform into national climate leaders who inspire others on solutions. ecoAmerica.org

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