A Year of American Climate Perspectives

2021 has been a big year for climate change.

The five report covers for the American Climate Perspectives Surveys side by side with drop shadows beside each one.

2021 has been a big year for climate change. Early in his presidency, President Biden rejoined the Paris Agreement and formed the National Climate Task Force, the IPCC released its 6th National Assessment Report, and world leaders convened in Glasgow for the United Nations’ COP26. All of these initiatives conclude that we still have an urgent need to take bold climate actions.

This year, ecoAmerica’s research found that 78% of Americans are concerned about climate change, including 48% who are very concerned. 73% say they have a personal responsibility to take action and 70% say their local community has a responsibility to take action. Americans are not alone — we find common ground. In March, 77% said they would support solutions that protect our health, and 73% said they would support solutions that help nature thrive. Furthermore, nearly all (96%) agree that we have a right to live in a healthy environment with clean and water.

A single bar graph that displays 96% of Americans agree we have a right to live in a healthy environment with clean air and water. The graph shows that 81% strongly agree and 15% somewhat agree.

As we move into this new year, education is needed. The majority (84%) of Americans agree that climate change harms some people more than others. Only 48% however, identify climate change as an important justice issue. Our work is cut out for us to educate a wider audience on the inequitable impacts of climate change and why we need to achieve climate justice. 

Americans know what they’re experiencing when it comes to climate change impacts. Severe weather has hard-hit communities across the country this year — 78% say it makes them more concerned about climate change. Let’s turn this concern into action. In 2022, let us bring forth ambition to build public support and political resolve for climate solutions — it’s for everyone, every day

About ecoAmerica

ecoAmerica builds institutional leadership, public support, and political resolve for climate solutions in the United States. We help national mainstream organizations elevate their climate leadership, providing them strategy, tools and resources to: demonstrate visible climate leadership, empower climate literacy, engage all constituents, and build collective action and advocacy. We help our partners transform into national climate leaders who inspire others on solutions. ecoAmerica.org 

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