Formalizing our JEDI Commitment
Formalizing our JEDI Commitment
ecoAmerica was founded to build and expand climate leadership in America. We “start with people,” which means our focus is on inspiring and enabling a broader diversity of Americans to see the personal relevance of climate change and act and advocate for solutions. Diversity and inclusion have been part of our ethos since the beginning. However, we recognize that now is the time for us to do more — to more formally and intentionally center justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) in all that we are and do.
Below is ecoAmerica’s inaugural public statement and commitment to JEDI. We look forward to honoring this commitment, continuing to grow in this area, and traveling on this journey with you.
ecoAmerica JEDI Commitment
ecoAmerica’s mission to build public support and political resolve for climate solutions is built on our commitment to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI).
We believe that:
– everyone has the right to live in a thriving world with access to clean air, water, and nature, secure from the threats of climate change and injustice;
– we are responsible for rejecting oppression-blindness, acknowledging past complicity, recognizing where privilege exists, and helping to dismantle systems of racism, bigotry, and oppression that plague our country and manifest in environmental policy, landscapes, and organizations;
– we can and must quickly transition to a clean energy economy and restore thriving nature in ways that support equitable education, health, justice, jobs, and prosperity, and compensate for damage and inequity.
– the most effective and lasting solutions to our climate emergency will be those that prioritize climate justice and JEDI; climate discussions, plans and actions must include and equitably serve and benefit Black, indigenous, communities of color, youth, low income, rural, labor, and other communities who have faced systemic exclusion, disenfranchisement, and disinvestment;
– we are stronger, and our work and outcomes more just and impactful when a diversity of people and abilities make up our staff, board, network and partners, and guide and inform our strategy, programs, research, resources, convenings, and outreach;
We are committed to:
– act in solidarity as allies to dismantle racism, bigotry, oppression and exclusion in all that we do, from the way we operate to our programs, research, resources, networks, communications, convenings, and what and how we advocate for climate solutions;
– ensure that the makeup of our staff, board, and network and partners in health, faith, and local communities reflects the full diversity of peoples and abilities that make up our nation;
– implement policies, procedures, operating structures and principles that welcome and are centered on JEDI;
– active listening and education, analysis and reflection, and regularly-renewed commitments that further our anti-racism and anti-bigotry ethos and actions.
This statement and our work to fulfill the principles set forth in it will remain a work in progress as we seek ongoing dialogue and improvement. We pledge to be faithful in the cause and available to defend and advance this long-overdue work.
About ecoAmerica
ecoAmerica builds institutional leadership, public support, and political resolve for climate solutions in the United States. We help national mainstream organizations elevate their climate leadership, providing them strategy, tools and resources to: demonstrate visible climate leadership, empower climate literacy, engage all constituents, and build collective action and advocacy. We help our partners transform into national climate leaders who inspire others on solutions.
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