
Thought Leadership, Current Events, and Resources for Climate Communicators

  • American Climate Perspectives Survey 2024, Vol. II
    American Climate Perspectives Survey 2024, Vol. II

    ecoAmerica’s latest survey reveals that Americans are ready and eager for health professionals to advance climate action. The survey findings offer a clear call for the health sector and health professionals to lead in educating and guiding all Americans to understand and care for health in a changing climate.

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    Sunrise Movement Education Fund, American Climate Leadership Awards 2021 Finalist

    The following blog is a part of our American Climate Leadership Award 2021 Series.  Sunrise Movement Education Fund, American Climate Leadership Awards 2021 Finalist Sunrise Movement Education Fund are among 10 American Climate Leadership Award finalists to be recognized at the American Climate Leadership Summit 2021 (ACLS 2021) on April 27 during the live broadcast.…

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  • Philly Thrive, American Climate Leadership Awards 2021 Finalist

    Philly Thrive, American Climate Leadership Awards 2021 Finalist

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  • United Church of Christ and the People’s Justice Council, American Climate Leadership Awards 2021 Finalist

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    Youth Vs Apocalypse, American Climate Leadership Awards 2021 Finalist

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  • Let’s Talk Climate Webcast — Health Surpasses Jobs in Climate Action Support

    Let’s Talk Climate Webcast — Health Surpasses Jobs in Climate Action Support

    ecoAmerica’s Let’s Talk Climate Webcast, Special Research Episode: Health Surpasses Jobs in Climate Action Support ecoAmerica’s latest survey finds “health” at the top of the list of motivations for climate solutions — raking even higher than “jobs”. Concern about climate change is on the rise, and so is trust in health professionals as sources of…

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  • Clean Air Carolina, American Climate Leadership Awards 2021 Finalist

    The following blog is a part of our American Climate Leadership Award 2021 Series.  Clean Air Carolina, American Climate Leadership Awards 2021 Finalist Clean Air Carolina are among 10 American Climate Leadership Award (ACLA) finalists to be recognized at the American Climate Leadership Summit 2021 (ACLS 2021) on April 27 during the live broadcast.  Clean…

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  • American Climate Leadership Awards 2021 Finalists Announced

    American Climate Leadership Awards 2021 Finalists Announced

    American Climate Leadership Awards 2021 Finalists Announced Successful Climate Change Leadership We Can Replicate! Did climate action pause during the 2020 pandemic? Not all all!  Today ecoAmerica announces the 10 finalists for the 2021 American Climate Leadership Awards. The American Climate Leadership Awards (ACLA) recognizes, rewards, and amplifies best practices in activating climate change advocacy…

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  • Let’s Talk Climate Webcast — Special Research Episode

    Let’s Talk Climate Webcast — Special Research Episode

    ecoAmerica’s Let’s Talk Climate Webcast, Special Research Episode: President Biden Sees Climate Change as a Justice Issue, Do Americans? In this special Let’s Talk Climate episode, we share findings from our latest American Climate Perspectives Survey focused on Americans’ understanding of climate justice. Our report includes findings on American understanding of climate change’s disproportionate harms,…

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  • American Climate Perspectives Survey 2021, Vol. II

    American Climate Perspectives Survey 2021, Vol. II

    Health Surpasses Jobs in Climate Action Support ecoAmerica’s latest survey finds “health” at the top of the list of motivations for climate solutions — ranking even higher than “jobs”. Twelve months of battling the COVID-19 pandemic may be influencing perspectives, however, the reality is that climate change is already impacting Americans’ health as air pollution,…

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  • American Climate Perspectives Survey 2021, Vol. I

    American Climate Perspectives Survey 2021, Vol. I

    President Biden Sees Climate Change as a Justice Issue, Do Americans? ecoAmerica’s latest survey finds that 84% of Americans believe climate change harms some people more than others — but some do not yet recognize that as a justice issue. Harm to the environment and nature motivates Americans to act more than harm to communities…

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  • A Conversation with Frank Loy

    A Conversation with Frank Loy

    The following blog is a part of ecoAmerica’s Board of Directors Interview Series Frank Loy was Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs from 1998 to January 2001. His portfolio included human rights, the promotion of democracy, refugees and population issues, international law enforcement, the environment — and he served as chief U.S. climate negotiator.…

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